Friday, May 18, 2007

Ahh Friday

I did call in sick to work yesterday and it was going to be a good day but…
I was outside sitting in the sun listening to Stargate on the laptop, reading my book with my sunglasses on when I heard the sputter of the sprinklers. I grabbed my regular glasses (that were sitting on the laptop), the laptop, the cell phone and the home phone and threw open the side door and tossed the whole lot in to the house just as the spout by the door went full blast. Everything was dry but the laptop landed on my glasses. When the sprinkler guy realized I was outside when the water was turned on he apologized he offered to pay for my book (the one thing I didn’t grab) and said that Barb (not the witch from across the street with the kids but another "board member" ) has been calling the company non stop to get the lawns green so they told her they would run the system all day. That was the end of my sun time. I ran over to the eyeglass place, thankfully they could bend them back into shape and tightened all the screws, for free. And they actually fit better now.

Today I am one step closer to pinning Bill down for some beers. I am taking the 30th off work so we can hang out. I am also using it as an excuse to pamper myself… get my nails done, maybe get my hair colored again. It has been well over 10 weeks since the last time. In fact it was the last time I was going to hang with Bill that I had that done… but he ditched me. I am going to have to damage him if he does it again. I am pretty sure he knows that by now. : ) I miss hanging with the guys…. Damn this being married, some with children and others living out of state crap. I don’t want to be an adult damn it! Ok… I am over it. But I do miss it.

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