Thursday, February 22, 2007


After two solid weeks of not having a mistake free night I FINALLY had one. I have no idea what the hell was wrong, it's like every night something would fall out of my brain. I would come in the next day and I would hear "you loaded this backwards" or "you forgot to put ?????? in the schedule for today" . So I am praying that the spell is broken. I was starting to question my master control abilities. I mean I know I can be a flake sometimes…. But two weeks???

I need a vacation! I almost get one. I have Friday-Monday off.

Ok… back a few posts I told ya'll about how I was SO happy to be going to see Kingfield with my Music Buddy Bill. Well on Monday I was gathering my Mickey Mouse Platys ..

to take them to World of Fish to get credit so I could get more guppies. I had left a message with a hair stylist that my mom had recommended. You see I planned on getting all gussied up for Friday (almost like a real date if I wasn't married and going out with a married man) plus I haven't seen the guys in the band for about 8 years, and I needed an excuse to color my hair. So I had to find my cell phone incase Rob (the stylist not the hubby) called me back. When I found the phone I had a voice mail. I call thinking it's Rob giving me an appointment. It wasn't… it was Bill… telling me he has to go to Omaha (of all places) Friday night and can't go to the show with me. NOOOOOOOO!!!!! I only really wanted to go to the show with Bill. He WANTED to go. We were looking forward to hanging out... drinking beer... bonding... and seeing a good show. Hanging out with my boy. But no. I was so depressed that even getting a $50 credit for my Mickey's and 6 new fishes wasn't helping. It was noon and the stylist still hadn't called me back and I was getting down right pissy. Then my Hubby tells me that his work has changed his schedule this week and he will be home 5ish on Friday. "Great!" I yelled... "you can go to the show with me!!!!" He doesn't want to go, he isn't interested in the music but he is going because he loves me. Ok.. so I solved one problem but I still want to get my hair done. Tuesday morning and the stylist STILL hadn't called so I decided to just call the salon down the street, it will cost me more but they answered the phone and gave me an appointment. 26 hours after I called Rob the stylist called me back and said "Heather how does noon work for you" I said I was sorry but I had already made an appointment elsewhere.
The moral of this story is... Bill owes me beer for ditching me... My hubby is willing to insult his ears for me... and if you don't call me back I will take my business somewhere where they answer the phone.

On a REALLY good note Rob and I have been on the South Beach Diet for a bit now and I am down 11 pounds!!! YAY me!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Omaha sucked by the way. Air travel, snow storm...these things don't mix. I owe ya!