Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Talk about a hell of a week

I am working 2-10 all week due to live programming I have to be at work for. It’s ok I like live programming but it sucks because this week Rob is working 7a-7pm on Thursday and Friday, meaning he will be in bed by the time I get home and I will need tv time before I can go to bed. The way this is going to work is Wednesday and Thursday nights I will most likely be sleeping on the couch until Rob gets up at 5am. I do this because I can not sleep without the TV on. If Rob and I go to bed at the same time he can deal if I turn it down and have the CC on but I can’t walk into the room at 2am and turn the TV on, that would wake him up and that really isn’t fair. I don’t have to leave for work until 1pm so taking a nap on the couch wont kill me, just my back J.

Yesterday while I was walking into work I managed to trip over air and I pulled the tendons across the top of my right foot. This in its self is not all that odd. I have torn and pulled every tendon in both feet countless times, starting with cheerleading in high school. It has gotten to the point where a strong breeze can tear the tendons. So I knew I had done something (other then embarrass the hell out of myself) but it didn’t feel too bad. Until about 3 hours later. I had a bunch of paper work to do when I came in so I wasn’t up and walking around. Then The Boss called saying he had left his keys in his office could I come to the front and let him in. I stood up… and almost fell down. Damn did that HURT, I guess my foot was swollen. When I got home I couldn’t bend my toes without pain shooting up my leg. Today there is a lovely shade of purple-green-brown going across my foot.

Not only am I walking funny but I look like I have been sobbing for hours on end. I haven’t, my allergies are kicking my ass. I have gone through 2 boxes of tissues and I my nose feels like I took a belt sander to it. The Boss asked if me every thing was ok, I sneezed and told him everything is fine. Allergy attacks always leave me feeling drained. All I want to do right now is crawl under the desk and take a nap. My theory on not felling well… when in doubt, sleep through it. Or take a steaming hot bath then sleep through it. If I am still this bad tomorrow I might call in dead. I have taken 2 forms of allergy meds and nothing is working. I have plenty of sick time stored up and can’t handle the idea of trying to work another day like this. I think I am working myself into migraine

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