Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What People Don't Ask

People ask me all the time about what we do when someone brings in a pet to be euthanized that seems more like a convenience for the person then the really for the sake of the animal. Those don't get to me that much. Mostly because it doesn't happen as often as some think. What really gets to me and makes me want to cry is when an animal is suffering and it's people can't bring themselves to make the decision.  We had a cat with bleeding, inflamed and tumor fill ear canals, it didn't matter how many times the vet told her that the cat was suffering she just wanted us to give the cat something. I know letting go of an animal is hard but I can't don't know how I could look at my cat knowing that he was in that kind of pain. I understand she thinks she is doing what is best. I just wish I could have done more for him, made the pain stop. It isn't up to me in the end and that is hard.  It just cements the limits I am willing to put my animals through. That doesn't mean I am quick to pull the trigger, I hope it means I am more in tune when the choice needs to be made.

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