Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Really? You're How Old?

When did being rude, completely disrespectful and demanding become the normal way to treat other people? I just don’t understand. I work and go to school with people ranging in age from 18-60 and I cannot believe the nerve of some people. They barge in the office, run in to people and don’t even bother to say “excuse me”. Yes it is a maturity thing, not an age thing. I have people barking at me with no regard for what I am doing at the time. I see students falling asleep in class, giving teacher attitude because they aren’t being spoon fed answers and they have to think and look things up on their own. I don’t understand. I understand that the only one affecting my grades is me. My attitude and my willingness to put effort in to my classes are what get me the grades I get. The teachers treat the students like employees in a clinic and students, they should be shown the respect you would give not only a teacher but also a coworker and I don’t see that nearly enough. It’s a failure to see the bigger picture. I get so angry when I see my teachers get attitude from people not willing to put in the effort. Like somehow it’s the teacher’s responsibility to hold the hands of ADULTS who should know by now how to do things on their own. The self-centeredness you see in 3 year olds I see in grown adults.


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