Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ok... so tonight I am going to a taping of my FAVORITE SHOW that we air at SPNN (I know it's cable access but it's fucking GREAT!!) if you haven't seen the show you should look it up. The taping is at the 7th street entry. I haven't been there is ages and frankly I miss the place. I have a lot of great memories there.
And to add to my good mood I found out this week that two of my buddies from Helva are playing there on the 23rd of feb This time with the band Kingfiled. What sucks is Rob can't go with me, he has to work that night. I am taking a half day off from work so I can go but Rob doesn't really like the music so it hard to justify him taking time off work. Well Rob didn't like the idea of me walking around downtown on a Friday night by myself so he wanted me to find someone to go with me, so I am going with my second favorite guy in the world my buddy Bill. Bill is like me, he is willing to see almost any band live even if he is not a big fan. His wife is like my husband if they don't like the band or even the kind of music the band plays they don't want to bother. So Bill and I agreed that if there was something we wanted to see and the spouse didn't want to go we would be plan B for each other. It's nice to have friends like that.
The last time I was in the Main Room it SUCKED I was getting groped by a total stranger and every time I tried to put my "closeted gay ex-bf" between me and the guy feeling me up by standing in front of my bf to face him to tell him, my bf just pushed me back towards the guy and said "I'm listening to the music" and did nothing to help me. It wasn't until I told his roommate and his girlfriend what was going on did anyone help me. When we got outside I was hysterical I couldn't understand A)why the guy wouldn't stop touching me and B)why didn't my jackass CGXBF do anything to help me. The roommates girlfriend was hugging me because I was shaking so hard and the roommate went and got security told them what happend and had the guy kicked out. The whole time CGXBF thought I was being over dramatic.
And to think I stayed with him after that ... I must have been cracked in the head.

But my life is good now. Great husband, great friends, and good music what more can a girl ask for :)

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